The Power of Inquiry in the Classroom

The Power of Inquiry in the Classroom

As the COVID-19 pandemic has left many schools doing virtual or hybrid learning for the latter part of 2020, it is clear how we think about teaching and learning has changed. The pandemic has not only challenged us to keep students engaged, but it […]

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Why Collaboration Matters

Why Collaboration Matters

If your school is gearing up to implement High-Quality Project-Based Learning (HQPBL), you must be ecstatic! The anticipation to see your students dive into inquiry is exciting, but a little nerve-wracking as well. With any new instructional […]

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The Why and What Behind Work-Based Learning

The Why and What Behind Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) has become one of the most talked about approaches in education. The WBL approach to learning provides real-world experience and opportunities to build skills that will prepare them to be successful in future career […]

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5 Fun Ideas For The Spring

5 Fun Ideas For The Spring

It's that time of year when there are lots of things happening in our schools that keep us all busy. During this time, we may see a decrease in student engagement in learning and also may feel a bit stressed as we work through a busy time of the […]

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Hour of Code is Good Enough

Hour of Code is Good Enough

Whenever a new idea is introduced to education, expect a flood of criticisms. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, we need naysayers and critics to challenge all our ideas. It’s what makes a democratic society function and it’s important […]

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