Exploring AI in Education

Exploring AI in Education

With several years of experience integrating AI into my teaching practice, I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring a variety of tools and learning about options that are applicable to all grade levels and subject areas. AI is something that all […]

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Building Future Ready Skills through Defined Careers

Building Future Ready Skills through Defined Careers

We continue to hear there is a skill deficiency for young adults coming out of high school and college. Yet, what specific skills are needed and how can learners build those skills in a meaningful way that will help them find their purpose and […]

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The Need for Durable Skills Beyond School

The Need for Durable Skills Beyond School

In today’s world, technical skills are advancing faster than ever before. Yet there is a set of very important skills that will last a lifetime. These skills are now deemed “Durable Skills.” These skills “include a combination of how you use what […]

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Essential Future-Ready Skills Developed Through PBL

Essential Future-Ready Skills Developed Through PBL

In most school districts standards and state-testing drive most curricula and classroom instruction, however, many leaders are incorporating a focus to help students succeed beyond school. Systemically, it can be a struggle trying to determine […]

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