Empowering Students with Computer Science

Empowering Students with Computer Science

Considering today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, integrating computer science education in the classroom is essential to prepare students for future careers. Here are some ways for educators to incorporate computer science into […]

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Why PBL is Key to Meeting Portrait of a Graduate Goals

Why PBL is Key to Meeting Portrait of a Graduate Goals

Does your school or district have a “portrait of a graduate”? They’re also called “ideal graduate” descriptions, and you might have heard of a “learner profile” and the older term “school-wide outcomes.” It’s a vision of what a school or district […]

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What is a Portrait of a Graduate?

What is a Portrait of a Graduate?

In this article, John Larmer delves into what a Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) is along with its key components. Learn about the challenges and solutions when implementing a PoG and the different ways in which schools and districts are helping […]

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