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Project-Based Learning (7)

8 Ways to Promote Creativity and Collaboration

8 Ways to Promote Creativity and Collaboration

Versatile Tools to Facilitate Methods and Build Essential Skills

Students need opportunities to build a variety of skills in our classrooms. They need to develop essential SEL skills and engage in learning experiences that promote student agency […]

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Incorporating Career Relevance in the Classroom

Incorporating Career Relevance in the Classroom

For almost a decade I’ve started the school year by asking my urban elementary students to draw a picture of what they think a scientist does at work all day. When I walk around the room, I often see pictures of white-haired men dressed in lab coats […]

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The Top 10 PBL & STEM Education News Articles of 2022

The Top 10 PBL & STEM Education News Articles of 2022

This year marked the first return to normal schooling since the pandemic with most districts back to in-person learning. It continued to be a challenging time for educators, but through those challenges, inspiration, and dedication prevailed. 


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Fresh Ideas for the New Year

Fresh Ideas for the New Year

The start of a new year is a great time to think about the progress we have made so far this year and consider trying some different methods and tools in our classrooms. Taking time to reflect on what has worked, what we have not tried, and areas […]

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