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Start the New Year with STEM!

Start the New Year with STEM!

As we continue to seek ways to best prepare students for the skills that they need to be successful in the future, it's important that we are not afraid to take risks in our classroom by bringing new methods and different digital tools for our […]

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The Top 10 PBL & STEM Education News Articles of 2022

The Top 10 PBL & STEM Education News Articles of 2022

This year marked the first return to normal schooling since the pandemic with most districts back to in-person learning. It continued to be a challenging time for educators, but through those challenges, inspiration, and dedication prevailed. 


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STEM is for Everyone

STEM is for Everyone

She may be the granddaughter, niece, and daughter of a math teacher and the twin sister of a math/science-oriented brother, but Jennifer Donais, K-8 STEM Coach at Amesbury Public Schools in Amesbury, Massachusetts did not consider herself a “STEM […]

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Keeping Girls in STEM: 5 Engaging Math Projects

Keeping Girls in STEM: 5 Engaging Math Projects

Now that students are back in the school routine, it is the perfect time to ramp up the energy in your classroom with PBL. October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child and it provides a good opportunity to make sure your female students are […]

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PBL Puts the FUN in FUNdamentals!

PBL Puts the FUN in FUNdamentals!

As you are winding down your school year, it is a great time to think about ways to end the year with exciting and engaging learning for all your students. Deep learning has become a buzzphrase in many school districts and is really not a new type […]

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