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Empowerment is the “E” in STEM

Empowerment is the “E” in STEM

The acronym “STEM” has been a problem for educators for many reasons. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math led to exclusion of core content like history and literacy, and teachers in many schools placed the responsibility for developing these […]

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How to Help Students Select Meaningful Projects

How to Help Students Select Meaningful Projects

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once [they] grow up.”

- Pablo Picasso

Each child is gifted. Each child is an artist. Period. How do we help them understand their gifts, listen to their inner artist so that they […]

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The Top 10 PBL & STEM Education News Articles of 2021

The Top 10 PBL & STEM Education News Articles of 2021

2021 has been another challenging year for educators, but through those challenges, inspiration, and dedication prevailed. Below are the top ten most inspiring and educational articles that were written on Project-Based Learning (PBL) and STEM […]

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Authentic STEM Projects: Learning with a Purpose

Authentic STEM Projects: Learning with a Purpose

Problem-solving is the heart of STEM investigations, but not just any old problem will do. STEM focuses on authentic projects that fuel students’ curiosity and investigative interests – problems that generate enthusiasm and a sense of empathy as […]

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Teaching Every Subject with an Eye on Career Readiness

Teaching Every Subject with an Eye on Career Readiness

To prepare our students for the next phase of their lives, my district is committed to helping all students have a relevant career experience prior to high school graduation. That authentic learning experience might be a job shadow, apprenticeship, […]

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Preparing Students to Thrive in a Modern Workforce

Preparing Students to Thrive in a Modern Workforce

A middle school English teacher explains how she incorporates STEM skills like problem-solving, formulas, and tech into her word-filled classroom.

With report after report touting the American economy’s need for STEM workers, school districts […]

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6 Resources that Engage Students in STEM Learning

6 Resources that Engage Students in STEM Learning

There are many different ways that all teachers regardless of grade level or content area can bring STEM into the classroom. There are numerous benefits of incorporating STEM activities into learning, whether we connect it directly with the content […]

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