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College and Career Readiness (3)

Incorporating Career Relevance in the Classroom

Incorporating Career Relevance in the Classroom

For almost a decade I’ve started the school year by asking my urban elementary students to draw a picture of what they think a scientist does at work all day. When I walk around the room, I often see pictures of white-haired men dressed in lab coats […]

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3 Ideas for Promoting Collaboration in the Classroom

3 Ideas for Promoting Collaboration in the Classroom

Collaboration is being open to each other's ideas and benefiting from each other's perspectives in an open way”. - Alan Menken 

Preparing our students for the future means that we need to continue to learn more about the types of jobs that are in […]

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Keeping Girls in STEM: 5 Engaging Math Projects

Keeping Girls in STEM: 5 Engaging Math Projects

Now that students are back in the school routine, it is the perfect time to ramp up the energy in your classroom with PBL. October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child and it provides a good opportunity to make sure your female students are […]

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Preparing for the Future with Emerging Technologies

Preparing for the Future with Emerging Technologies

The world is constantly changing which means that in our work as educators, we need to continue to push ourselves to learn about the innovations happening in the world. We are in the position to help students to build skills in the right areas so […]

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