Posts about

Social and Emotional Learning (2)

3 Ideas for Promoting Collaboration in the Classroom

3 Ideas for Promoting Collaboration in the Classroom

Collaboration is being open to each other's ideas and benefiting from each other's perspectives in an open way”. - Alan Menken 

Preparing our students for the future means that we need to continue to learn more about the types of jobs that are in […]

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Preparing Students for the Future: 3 Essential Skills

Preparing Students for the Future: 3 Essential Skills

As educators, we have had to adjust our methods and choices in digital tools throughout our careers for many reasons. Besides what we have experienced in the past few years, there is increased access to devices, more apps and tools available for […]

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The Power of Art in PBL

The Power of Art in PBL

Project-based learning is a powerful pedagogy when implemented with fidelity- the possibilities for learning are truly endless when teaching is contextualized in the real world. As we know, the real world does not exist in hallways or class periods, […]

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Back to School: Focusing on SEL and Our Wellbeing

Back to School: Focusing on SEL and Our Wellbeing

It has been a challenging couple of years for all of us. We’ve all had to adjust in our personal lives as well as professional lives. The routines we had for working, connecting with family and friends, and the many other things we kept ourselves […]

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Education’s Dysfunctional Relationship with Happiness

Education’s Dysfunctional Relationship with Happiness

If you asked parents “What is it that you want for your kids?” You’d have an overwhelmingly common response of: “I just want them to be happy?” While they may add other things like health, a job they love and good relationships, happiness would top […]

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PBL Puts the FUN in FUNdamentals!

PBL Puts the FUN in FUNdamentals!

As you are winding down your school year, it is a great time to think about ways to end the year with exciting and engaging learning for all your students. Deep learning has become a buzzphrase in many school districts and is really not a new type […]

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Empowerment is the “E” in STEM

Empowerment is the “E” in STEM

The acronym “STEM” has been a problem for educators for many reasons. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math led to exclusion of core content like history and literacy, and teachers in many schools placed the responsibility for developing these […]

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