In this article, John Larmer delves into what a Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) is along with its key components. Learn about the challenges and solutions when implementing a PoG and the different ways in which schools and districts are helping students meet their goals.
A Portrait of a Graduate (POG) is a vision statement that schools and districts create, with input from students, educators, parents, and community members. It describes the desired outcomes of the K-12 system: the competencies and personal qualities students should possess when they graduate, in order to be successful in the world beyond school.
Sometimes also known as a “graduate profile” or “school-wide outcomes,” a POG is a broader set of goals than those found in traditional academic subject areas. When a school or district adopts a POG, it has significant implications for curriculum, instruction, and assessment. I’ll say more about this below, but first, let’s look at an example.
Defined has created its own POG, which has eight components that are similar to what’s commonly found in school or district POGs. We use it to show educators how well our performance tasks/projects are aligned with these kinds of goals and can be used to teach and assess them.
Schools and districts that want to make their Portrait of Graduate a reality, not just a poster on the wall, are trying various approaches. The key is to embed POG goals deeply into the regular curriculum and instruction provided to all students. To accomplish this, districts are:
One of the most effective ways schools and districts are embedding POG goals into curriculum and instruction is the use of project-based learning (PBL). Projects can be explicitly designed to build and assess any of the POG competencies or a combination of them. PBL also is a great way to involve the community, enabling students to interact with professionals and experts and see how POG competencies are used in the world outside school.
Making the Portrait of a Graduate a reality is not a simple task. Roadblocks may include resistance to change. Teachers may have been focused on narrower, subject-area goals their entire career and don’t see how they can add POG goals to their already crowded plates. Students are used to learning traditional content and skills and POG goals may sound vague or abstract. Parents may feel the same. Schools and districts need to spend considerable time on the “why?” of change. Involving local businesses in the process of building support for a POG is a wise move, as they can point out the need for POG skills in the workplace.
Another roadblock is standardized testing and other traditional assessment methods. Most tests emphasize subject-area knowledge, not the kinds of skills and capacities that appear on a POG–nor do traditional grading systems. Schools and districts have not typically collected and reported data on POG competencies. (Defined is now developing customizable features in its platform that will help do this; schools and districts will be able to add POG competencies to its performance task product rubrics and collect achievement data over time for each student.
All of this takes time, effective change management practices, perhaps extra funding and resources–and leadership. But schools and districts that make the effort–and sustain it over time–will find it to be worthwhile. In an era defined by rapid change and increasing complexity, a Portrait of a Graduate offers a roadmap for schools, districts, and states to prepare students effectively for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter after graduation.
Note: For further reading, see our 4-part series on how Project-Based Learning builds Portrait of a Graduate competencies:
How PBL Builds Portrait of a Graduate Competencies Part 4: Communication, Collaboration, Citizenship
About the Author:
John Larmer is a project-based learning expert. In his 20 years at the Buck Institute for Education/PBLWorks, he co-developed the model for Gold Standard PBL, authored several books and many blog posts, and contributed to curriculum and professional development. John is now the Senior PBL Advisor at Defined Learning.