Defined Learning Educators Blog

The Principal's Role in Embracing STEM & PBL

Written by  Dean Shareski | Jan 19, 2024 3:48:01 PM

Principals play a crucial role in supporting and fostering STEM and project-based learning among teachers. This article offers five ways principals can support teachers to inspire innovation and create an environment where both educators and students thrive in STEM and project-based learning.


As principals, the role extends beyond managing administrative tasks; we’re champions of innovation, creators of opportunities, and cultivators of excellence within our school communities. One of the paramount areas where our support is pivotal lies in fostering STEM and project-based learning among our teachers. These dynamic teaching methodologies empower students to become active participants in their education, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Here are five ways principals can wholeheartedly support teachers in embracing STEM and project-based learning:


1. Cultivate a Culture of Innovation

Principals set the tone for the school's culture. Encourage a mindset that embraces experimentation, exploration, and risk-taking in teaching methodologies. Foster an environment where teachers feel supported to try new approaches.


2. Provide Adequate Resources and Professional Development

Investing in teachers’ professional growth is paramount. Facilitate workshops, invite guest speakers, and allocate resources for continuous learning opportunities in STEM and project-based instruction. This could involve bringing in experts or providing access to online courses and resources.


3. Create Collaborative Spaces

Foster collaboration among teachers by creating dedicated spaces or time for them to brainstorm, share ideas, and collaborate on STEM or project-based initiatives. This could be through regular team meetings, dedicated planning periods, or even online platforms for sharing resources and ideas.


4. Offer Ongoing Support and Feedback

Be actively involved in teachers' initiatives. Offer feedback, guidance, and support as they embark on new teaching methods. Celebrate successes, provide constructive feedback, and help navigate challenges they might encounter along the way. Even if you don’t feel expert, asking good questions and encouraging reflection is critical.


5. Advocate and Allocate Time

Recognize the value of these methodologies in student learning. Advocate for their importance within the school community and allocate time within the curriculum for teachers to integrate STEM or project-based learning effectively. This could involve reevaluating schedules or finding ways to embed these approaches into existing curriculum frameworks.


Supporting teachers in STEM and project-based learning isn’t just about a top-down approach; it’s about fostering a collaborative, supportive environment where educators feel empowered and motivated to embrace innovative teaching methods. If you have educators interested in shifting practice, perhaps the single greatest thing you can do is encourage and cheerlead. While that may not seem as academically rich or specific, teachers who are committed to change don’t need much. Teachers are used to a DIY approach so your simple check-ins and authentic enthusiasm with their efforts go a long way in sustaining and actualizing change. By championing these approaches, principals lay the groundwork for a transformative educational experience that nurtures students’ curiosity, creativity, and lifelong learning skills.

Ultimately, as principals, the role is to empower teachers, inspire innovation, and cultivate an environment where both educators and students thrive. Together, we can build a community that values and prioritizes the power of STEM and project-based learning in shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.